In the year 2015 of human era, with the experience of their previous lives and the hunger of the dead, the UNDEAD resurrected and rose from their graves in order to hunt, haunt and drink the blood of the living.
They started spreading the disease with “BLOOD ENEMY” as their first attack, a weapon of mass destruction with the shape of a 7″ vinyl limited to 333 copies. Two songs of Death Cult to bring to the known world and beyond sickness, nightmares and madness. In 2016, the blood of their enemies was once again vomited in conspiracy with Morbid Bastards Records (Indonesia), as a limited cassete tape edition.
They come back to haunt the mankind with a new abomination called “REDEMPTION”. Four new tracks produced by UNDEAD and mastered at Necromorbus Studio (Sweden) and released in 2016 as a MCD. The limited cassete tape version appeared through Morbid Bastards Records (Indonesia) during 2017.
In 2019, they dive into the deepest horrors of the human mind and soul to manifest nine new tunes of “EXISTENTIAL HORROR”. The cd version of their full-length album was released by mighty Godz ov War Productions (Poland).
During 2020, the “EXISTENTIAL HORROR” strikes again in analogic format as a limited vinyl edition via Kadabra Music (Portugal).
In 2021, another manifestations of “EXISTENTIAL HORROR” appears by the hand of Redefining Darkness Records (USA) as multiple limited formats: Blood Red vinyl, Sarcophagus swirl vinyl, red cassette tape and jewell case CD with two extra songs recorded live.
In 2023 they spread more horror with the new album “PUTREFACTIO”. Black and rotten is the beginning of the work, and before you come alive you need to decompose. Start this alchemical journey with 10 songs of pure Death Metal from the grave, mixed and mastered at Unisound by Dan Swanö and released by Redefining Darkness Records.
In 2024, UNDEAD headlined Iberia Putrefacta tour on Spain and joined forces with Marduk, Valkyrja and Impalement to conquer Europe on the tour Memento Mori Part 2.
UNDEAD is ready to conspire and propagate the putrefaction everywhere live. They won’t stop until total world domination. Beware the unholy power of UNDEAD… the hunting has begun!
V. Repulse – Vocals and guitars
A. Von Hell – Guitars
J. Surt – Bass
M. de Vallejo – Drums
Siebe Hermans – Drums (live)