Category: editorial

New interview and playlist

Our Spotify playlist for September comes courtesy of ASAGRAUM, and despite busy days and nights preparing the long awaited second album “DAWN OF INFINITE FIRE“, vocalist and songwriter Obscura took some time out to answer a few questions in regards to her playlist.   Interviewed by Johnny Døden for ECP.   Avé Hanna. Your chosen […]

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Lydia Laska photo by Martine Petra

A conversation with Kristoffer Vold of Lydia Laska

This conversation took place at a sidewalk café in Oslo, and during that hour, a young man in a red suit passed by, and a car with one of those special made license plates…the ones that cost about 9000 NOK, and it read “NO WIFE”. At least it’s better than “NO WI-FI”. But now we […]

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Lydia Laska photo by Martine Petra

Kristoffer Vold fra Lydia Laska tegner og forklarer om Lydia Laska

Her følger noen nedtegnelser fra en samtale mellom referent og trommeslager og låtsnekker Kristoffer Vold. For ordens skyld: Samtalen fant sted på en fortauskafé i Oslo, og i løpet av den snaue timen den foregikk, gikk der forbi en stilig herre i rød dress og en bil kjørte forbi med spesialbestilt nummerskilt, sånne som koster […]

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